What is Python? - For Absolute Beginners

Python is an interpreted, high level, general purpose and popular programming language. It was created by Guido van Rossum, and released in 1991. It supports multiple programming paradigms including structured (particularly, procedural), object-oriented, and functional programming. Python is often described as a "batteries included" language due to its

Change In Seasons - Why Season Changes?

We experience different types of seasons round a year. Chiefly, they are summer, autumn, winter and spring. As you have experienced, it is quite hot in summer (June-August) but it is quite cold in winter (December-February). But it is neither hot nor cold in spring (March-May) and in autumn (September-November). We need layers of very warm clothes in winter but we get sweat pouring off even with very light cotton clothes in summer. Everyone

12 Things To Always Remember In Life

People read different things and experience several things during their lifetime. However, they forget some of the things and remember only the important ones. Today I have listed 12 important things among all that a person should always remember in his / her life. Following are the 12 things:

1. The past cannot be changed.

2. Opinions donot define your reality.

6 Qualities That Makes A Person Successful

A quality is a characteristic, innate or acquired, that, in some particular, determines the nature and behavior of a person or thing. Every person has their own and unique qualities. Our qualities only determines our character. So, we should always have good qualities. Here, I have listed 6 qualities that makes a person successful.

1. Desire
The motivation to succeed comes from the burning desire to achieve a purpose.

18 Things Mentally Strong People Do

Every people are not mentally strong. It is very essential to become mentally strong in each and every situation in our life. Today I have listed 18 things which mentally strong people do. Following is the list of things:

1. They move on. They don’t waste time felling sorry for themselves.

2. They keep control. They don’t give up their power.

3. They embrace change. They welcome challenges.

Capital Formation and Cooperatives and Their Importances

As you know already various means and resources are needed for production. They are called means of production which include land, capital, labor, raw materials, tools, machinery and other necessities required in the manufacturing process. Here we are talking exclusively about capital which is a very important means of production. Capital means a certain amount of money available or needed for a certain enterprise. It is needed to meet

Modification of Leaves-Leaf tendrils, Leaf spines, Leaf scale, Phyllode, Pitcher, Bladder

The leaf can be defined as a lateral outgrowth of the stem arising from the node and having a bud in its axil. Leaves are flat, green in color due to the presence of chlorophyll. Leaf helps to manufacture food for the whole plant body. Besides their normal function of photosynthesis, gaseous exchange and transpiration,

Modification of Stem - Underground, Sub aerial and Aerial Modification

The stem is the aerial portion of the plant axis which develops from the plant plumule of the embryo. It is differentiated into node and internode. Stems grow erect above the soil and towards light performing their normal functions like support, protection, storage of food and photosynthesis. Broadly, there are three types of modifications in the stem: underground modifications, sub-aerial modifications and aerial modifications.

Photosynthesis - Process, Required Raw Materials and Products

Green plants can manufacture their own food. They prepare food not only for themselves. The food is utilized by all animals and plants which cannot manufacture their own food. Green plants contain chlorophyll which is green pigment. Chlorophyll can trap sunlight. Green plants prepare food with the help of raw materials like carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) in the presence of sunlight. The food prepared by the plants is stored in the

Modification of Roots - Tap and Adventitious root Modification and Examples

The part of the plant which develops from the radical part of the seed and does not bear any leaf, bud or flower is known as root. it is non-green and grows downward in the soil. In addition to the normal functions of fixation, absorption and conduction performed by the roots, the root may perform additional functions of storage, additional support or vital functions of assimilation, respiration and others. In order to perform these specific

Seed - Function, Structure and Types

A seed is a reproductive part of a flower. It is developed from a fertile ovule. It encloses embryo and stores food for its development. A seed is the ripened ovule which contains an embryo and its food source is covered by a protective coat. Seeds are the product of the ripened ovule, after fertilization by pollen and some growth within the mother plant. Under suitable conditions seed germinates and gives a baby plant. 


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