Top 5 Motivational Stories To Become Successful

Motivational stories are those stories which motivate people to achieve their goals, ambitions, desire, intention, target or destination. There are many stories which we have read. Among them, I have collected top 5 best motivating stories to become successful. Below is the step-wise list of motivational stories.
5) Value Yourself:

A speaker started off his seminar by showing $20 to the public. He asked the people,“Who wants this?” There was no surprise to see that all of them lifted their hands. He offered to give the money to one of them but insisted that he will do something to it.

He crumpled the paper money and showed it again to the crowd and repeated the question. Still, everyone raised the hands. He then put the money into the ground and stepped on it and then raised it again and offered it to the public.

The people gathered there still showed interest to take that money despite seeing how dirty the note was. He told the public,"No matter what I did to this money, you all still wanted this.

You all went in favor of my offer just because the value of the money never decreased despite what all I did to it. Similarly, value yourself despite the painful conditions or failures.”

Moral: First of all, Believe in yourself and work hard to achieve success. Value yourself irrespective of the failures or obstacles and don’t degrade yourself just because of the temporary setbacks.

4) Focus on the Goal:

A group of frogs were traveling through the forest when two of them fell into a deep pit. When the other frogs saw how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that there was no hope left for them.

However, the two frogs ignored their comrades and proceeded to try to jump out of the pit. However, despite their efforts, the group of frogs at the top of the pit were still saying that they should just give up as they’d never make it out.

Eventually, one of the frogs took heed of what the others were saying and he gave up, jumping even deeper to his death. The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again, the group of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and to just die.

He ignored them, and jumped even harder and finally made it out. When he got out, the other frogs said,"Did you not hear us?"

The frog explained to them that he was deaf, and that he thought they were encouraging him the entire time.”

Moral: Some people around you may ask you to be on a safer side always and stop trying and taking risks. However, there is no gain without pain. Focus on your goal despite what other people tells you. So try hard to achieve success in life despite what life offers you.

3) See opportunity in obstacles:

Once there was a king who was curious but wealthy. He decided to test his fellow people to know who has a got a good attitude in life and who would spare some time for country’s progress.

He placed a huge boulder right at the middle of the road and hid in a nearby place to see if anyone would make an attempt to move it off.

He saw some wealthy merchants and courtiers passing by the road. None of them made any attempt to move it off but simply walked away while some others blamed the king for not maintaining roads.

Later, a peasant came the way with a load of vegetables and saw the boulder. He kept his load down and tried to move the boulder away. After strenuous effort, he succeeded in moving it away. He saw a purse lying in the place of the boulder.

It contained many gold coins and a note from the king which read ‘this is the reward for the person who moves the boulder away’.

It is quite common for people to run away from problems and obstacles. But the story clearly shows the importance of seeing an opportunity in every obstacle which might improve our condition. Invest some time to remove obstacles on your way and experience many unseen presences.

2) Take Right Decision In Right Time:

There lived a group of fish, tortoise and duck in the pond.

One day, two fisherman came at the edge of the pond and decided to catch the animals of the pond in the next morning. By hearing their discussion, the tortoise ran and went to fishes and ducks and told them about the fishermen's plan. All the animals became terrified by hearing the tortoise. Finally, fishes and tortoises took the decision to move towards another pond. However, ducks were not satisfied with their idea.

Once again, fishes and tortoises told ducks to migrate with them but ducks were not afraid at all even knowing that fishermen were coming to catch them next morning. They told fishes and tortoises to leave them at the situation on which they are.

Next morning, fishermen came and catchd all the ducks and also killed thm. Fishes and tortoises were not killed because they had already migrated to the another pond.

Moral: Many people are not able to take right decision in right time due to which they have tqo bear many struggles and difficulties. So, you should always be able to take right decison in right time in your life as the fishes and the tortoises.

1) Work Smarter Not Harder:

There was a wealthy wealthy businessman who was growing older. He had been blessed with two sons having similar age but different personalities and interests. His both sons were also interested in business so he told his sons to create a successful business first within the next 10 years. He classified successful as generating one million in net profit per year.

They got to work straight away, both in different ways. One of the two sons got straight to the drawing board, due to past experience he already had a product that he thought the world needed and proceeded in creating it, he then got the funding he needed and within 2 months had a product and a e-commerce platform to sell it. Within 6 months he was turning a profit, a small profit, far from his target however he had 9.5 years to reach that, confident due to his quick start he would joke with his brother who hadn’t started yet. 

The father remained silent. 
The other brother had taken a very different approach, he was an intelligent man and he knew that experience in the field was valuable but sprinting before you can walk sometimes leaves you in over your head. He decided to continue studying his future market and business in general. He spent a lot of time reading and planning, spending time talking to others who had success and attending seminars. After three years of intense study and preparation, this brother decided to launch. The initial launch was a success and sales were already greater than his brothers even with the two and a half years growth. The next three years were a huge success for him and in his fourth year of business he reached the goal his father had set.

Moral: People work very hard to achieve their goals but it is equally necessay to perform work smartly. As in the story, you should always,"work smartly not hardly."

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