AIDS - Causes, Symptoms, Modes of Transmission and Preventive Measures

AIDS is a sexually transmitted fatal disease. AIDS was first described in medical literature in 1981 in homosexuals and hence, the diagnosis of the first case. It is one of the most serious communicable disease at present time. It is a viral disease that disrupts the immune system of the body. In 2018, around 770,000 [570,000-1.1 million] people died from AIDS related illnesses worldwide. It has a large impact on society, both as an illness and as a source of
discrimination. The explanation of the abbreviation 'AIDS ' is:
A = Acquired
I = Immuno
D = Deficiency
S = Syndrome

The cause of AIDS is human immuno-deficiency virus, known as HIV:
H = Human
I = Immuno-deficiency 
V= Virus.

The incubation period for AIDS varies from a few months to more than 2 years. In adults, AIDS may take an average of 10 years to develop. Many of these carriers of AIDS have no symptoms but can infect healthy people.

Modes of Transmission
Following are the known ways as to how AIDS virus can be transmitted from one person to another:
  • By sexual contact with the partner having HIV.
  • Transfusion of infected blood or blood products.
  • Sharing of infected needles.
  • During pregnancy or child birth, the fetus can be infected by an HIV infected mother.
  • Unsterilized blades, knives, needles and other operating instruments may transmit the disease.
  • Transplantation of semen or body organs from infected person may transmit the disease. 
AIDS Is Not Transmitted Through:
HIV is a virus which does not survive easily outside the body. So, there is no need to fear about it; it is not transmitted by:
  • Casual contact at work or school,
  • Shaking hands, touching or hugging,
  • Sharing bathroom,
  • Kitchen and eating utensils,
  • Personal items like combs and towels,
  • Coughing or sneezing,
  • Mosquitoes or other insects, and 
  • Food and beverages.
This means that there is no danger of becoming infected through ordinary social contact.

The clinical stage of AIDS may be as follows:
  • Some may suffer from mild illness, coughing for one month, or similar to influenza or glandular fever.
  • Sore in tongue and sexual organs.
  • People may develop enlarged lymph nodes in groin, neck or axilla.
  • The lymph-adenopathy may be accompanied by night sweat, fever, diarrhoea, weight loss, fatigue.
  • HIV virus can damage brain cells.
  • The resistance power of the body system becomes defenseless and slowly goes to the hands of death.
Prevention and Control
The following measures will minimize the spread of AIDS:
  • Every citizen should get the message about AIDS and the knowledge of how it is transmitted.
  • Avoid sex with casual acquaintances.
  • Avoid multiple sex partners and stick to one partner only.
  • Use of condom reduces the risk of AIDS.
  • Avoid injections and blood transfusion unless absolutely necessary.
  • Avoid needles used by drug addicts and infected people.
  • Intravenous drug abusers should get the message that they should only use disposable syringes and destroy them after single use.
  • Screening of blood should be introduced.
  • Health workers should get proper information about AIDS to ensure that AIDS patients get proper service in healthcare centers.
  • Infected women should get the message that if they become pregnant, the baby runs the risk of getting the AIDS.
  • If you are exposed to a risky situation, consult your doctor and get a blood test done immediately.
Stay safe and free of diseases!!

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