Some Hypothesis About the Origin of the Earth

It is curious to know about the formation of universe and our solar system. Numerous questions about the formation of himalayas, mountains, rivers, vegetation, oceans, etc on earth is another curiosity. Many scientists have tried to explain about the origin of the universe and solar system including our earth. Some scientists believe that our earth was formed from a big star. Other group of scientists believes that earth was evolved from the
gases and dust particles. Some of them believe that it was formed from the repulsion of two stars. We don't have universally accepted theory about the origin of the earth. Some hypothesis put forward by some of the scientists have been explained below:

Old Planetesimal Hypothesis
This hypothesis was put forward by a French scientist George Wofan in 1749 A.D. This hypothesis explains that our earth with other planets was evolved from a collision of a comet with sun. A large mass of gases was thrown into the space from the sun. This mass was cooled to form the planets and satellites of the solar system. The remaining mass of the sun remained sun.

Nebular Hypothesis
This hypothesis was first proposed by Immanuel Kant in1755. He proposed that gaseous clouds, nebulae, slowly rotate, gradually collapse and flatten due to gravity forming stars and planets. A similar model was developed independently and proposed in 1796 by Pierre-Simon Laplace. He believed the sun originally was formed from the contraction of hot mass of gases in whirlpool motion. On the other hand an extended hot atmosphere of gases and dust covered throughout the volume of the solar system. This theory featured a contracting and cooling of solar cloud called the proto solar nebula. As this cooled and contracted, it flattened and spun more rapidly. In this process a series of gaseous rings of material, the planets were formed from the condensation of the material. Laplacian model was similar to Kant's model.  

Tidal Hypothesis 
An attempt was made by James Jeans and Harold Jeffrey in 1917 AD about the formation of the solar system. According to this hypothesis, the planets were considered to have been formed due to the approach of some other star to the sun. The big star drew large amount of matter of the sun by their mutual tidal forces. These bulged mass could have then condensed into planets.

Solar system from Milky Way galaxy
All the planets including sun have been formed from the dust and gases particles left in the galaxy called nebula. The planets began as dust grains in orbit around the central newly formed star from the accumulation of gases. Through direct contact, these small grains formed into clumps up to 200 metre in diameter, which in turn collided to form larger bodies. These gradually increase through further collisions and take the shape of planets.

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