Cancer - Causes, Symptoms and Preventive Measures

Cancer may be defined as an active and uncontrolled proliferation of the cells of all types in any site or any tissue of the body leading to death if early detection and treatment is not done. Cancer cells have a very great invasive property. Cancer may affect an organ but the most common sites of cancer are the lungs, the breast, the uterus, the urinary bladder, the
larynx, the stomach and the liver.

The etiology of cancer is not exactly known at present. The contributory agents leading to cancer vary in different types of cancers. Some of the contributory causes are as follows:

  • Excessive cigarette smoking has been accepted to be one of the causes of lung cancer.
  • Too much radiation produces cancer.
  • Prolonged exposure of the skin to sun can be a risk for cancer.
  • Prolonged radiation from x-ray can cause skin cancer.
  • Lack of sex-hygiene has been accepted to be one of the causes of penis or cervix cancer.
  • Nutritional deficiency may contribute to the cause of cancer.
  • Heredity and familial traits may be associated with cancer.
Signs and Symptoms:
It is difficult to detect cancer in early stages. But if one visits the doctors, cancer can be detected in most of the cases quite early. The signs and symptoms of cancer can differ according to the type of cancer. The common early signs of cancer are as follows:

  • Unusual bleeding or discharges.
  • A lump or thickening in the breast or elsewhere.
  • A sore that does not heal.
  • Persistent change in bowel or bladder habits.
  • Persistent indigestion or difficulty in swallowing.
  • Sudden change in wart or mole.
  • Hoarseness of or persistent change in voice.
Prevention and Control
So far no perfect cure has been found for the advanced stage of cancer. The prevention is the only way to protect oneself from this disease. The preventive measures are as follows:
  •  Early diagnosis and surgical removal has to be implemented.
  • Try to avoid and protect against the known contributory agents, e.g. excessive smoking, tobacco chewing, etc.
  • Ensure proper personal hygiene, simple food habits and way of life as far as possible.
  • Health education of the public about the awareness of cancer.
  • Person in old age (beyond 40 years) should be encouraged and motivated for regular periodic medical check-up.
Stay safe and free of diseases!!

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